Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Like Sands Through an Hour Glass…

Am I too old to be bloggin’? Yesterday I was prescribed my first pair of reading glasses. I’ve always prided myself on keen vision, but I have to admit that when I put them on, I was stunned at the difference they made. So, I’m grateful for the improvement, but still embarrassed to be seen wearing them. Especially at work.

Why at work? Because I work with children. I already blogged about Television Shooter being surprised that I knew an Augustana song. But I didn’t tell you about our new receptionist. She’s been with us a couple of months now (and she’s outstanding – let’s call her Granger). But her first week here, we were celebrating someone’s birthday, and Granger started going on about how her mother had just turned 50. Then she turns to me while I sat there just quietly minding my own business, and says in all sincerity, as if it were some sort of complement, “You’re not 50 yet, right?” As if she intended to add, “Because you look younger than 50. I never would have guessed you were 50.”

The entire department erupted in laughter. I’m only 86 percent of the way to 50. Well, actually a little over 87 percent to be honest. My wife told me I shouldn’t worry what 25-year-old receptionists think. And, yesterday, when I told my wife that I was getting reading glasses, she said, “Don’t worry. I won’t think you’re old.” I can tell sarcasm when I hear it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow, you know how to blog! You must not be nearly as old as I thought you were!

One of the children at work